Star Trek: Armada II Crack With Activator

Star Trek: Armada II Crack & Serial Key Takes the concept of its predecessor to it's logical conclusion by allowing the player to experience the game in a full 3D mode, so the battles and elements of space conquest and exploration take on the vividness of the best of Star Trek. With over 45 new ship classes, 22 new special weapons, over 30 new stations, building a devastating armada has been taken to a new level. [Activision]

Download Star Trek: Armada II Crack & Serial

Tags: Star Trek: Armada II Crack With Activator, Star Trek: Armada II Crack & Serial Key, Star Trek: Armada II Crack With Serial Number
Platform PC
Our rating
66 / 100
User rating 8.2
Downloads 1561
Players 1-8
Genres Strategy, General
Developer Mad Doc Software