The newest iteration in the franchise, The Crew 2 captures the thrill of the American motorsports spirit in an open world. Welcome to Motornation, a huge, varied, action-packed playground built for motorsports throughout the entire US of A. Enjoy unrestrained exploration on ground, sea, andThe newest iteration in the franchise, The Crew 2 captures the thrill of the American motorsports spirit in an open world. Welcome to Motornation, a huge, varied, action-packed playground built for motorsports throughout the entire US of A. Enjoy unrestrained exploration on ground, sea, and sky. From coast to coast, street and pro racers, off-road explorers, and freestylers gather and compete in all kinds of disciplines. Join them in high-octane contests and share every glorious moment with the world. The Crew 2 gives you the chance to showcase your skills and rise as a multi-skilled motorsports champion. [Ubisoft]… Expand
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