Memoria (2013) Crack With License Key

Memoria (2013) Crack + Serial Number (Updated) The Dark Eye: Memoria tells the tale of princess Sadja of the faraway-land of Fasar, who once ventured into war to fight demons in the Gorian Desert. Her goal - to become the greatest hero of all time - was foiled under mysterious circumstances. Something had occurred, the girl disappearedThe Dark Eye: Memoria tells the tale of princess Sadja of the faraway-land of Fasar, who once ventured into war to fight demons in the Gorian Desert. Her goal - to become the greatest hero of all time - was foiled under mysterious circumstances. Something had occurred, the girl disappeared and her tale was eventually forgotten. Five centuries pass, until one day Geron, a young bird catcher, meets a traveling merchant named Fahi in his native forest. This merchant promises to turn Gerons girlfriend Nuri, who has been transformed into a Raven, back into human form. But this favor comes at a price: Geron has to finally solve the mystery of Sadja's fate. He agrees without hesitation -knowing that this will trigger a chain of events that will soon cast a shadow on his homeland and turn his present into a dark image of its long forgotten past...… Expand

Download Memoria (2013) Crack & Serial

Tags: Memoria (2013) Crack With License Key, Memoria (2013) Crack + Serial Number (Updated), Memoria (2013) Crack & Serial Number
Platform PC
Our rating
79 / 100
User rating 8.1
Downloads 197
Players No Online Multiplayer
Genres Adventure, General, Point-and-Click
Daedalic Entertainment
Developer Daedalic Entertainment