Evil Dead: Hail to the King Crack + Activation Code Download

Evil Dead: Hail to the King Crack With Serial Number Latest Inspired by Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell's cult horror trilogy -- "Evil Dead," "Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn," and "Army of Darkness," the PC version of the game again requires the player to bring back torn pages from the Necronomicon to rid the world of those pesky roaming monsters.

Download Evil Dead: Hail to the King Crack & Serial

Tags: Evil Dead: Hail to the King Crack + Activation Code Download, Evil Dead: Hail to the King Crack With Serial Number Latest, Evil Dead: Hail to the King Crack + Activation Code (Updated)
Platform PC
Our rating
41 / 100
User rating 5.7
Downloads 1392
Players 1 Player
Genres Action Adventure, Horror, Survival
Developer Heavy Iron Studios