Carnival Cruise Line Tycoon 2005: Island Hopping Crack With Activator

Carnival Cruise Line Tycoon 2005: Island Hopping Crack & Serial Key Warning- people get a little wacky on the high seas. You won't believe what your guest are up to. If you're not a sharp-eyed old sea dog, they'll torpedo your business. Throw in some umbrella drinks, choppy seas, unruly employees and anything can happen. You could be rich and famous... or the biggest schmuck on the seven seas. Here's your chance to build, staff, promote and command your own luxury cruise ship. Keep your guests happy, the crew in line and this floating hotel on course or you could be heading for rough waters. Features 9 competing cruise lines, 3 modes of gameplay, Build a world-classed ship and watch the "dough" sail-in!

Download Carnival Cruise Line Tycoon 2005: Island Hopping Crack & Serial

Tags: Carnival Cruise Line Tycoon 2005: Island Hopping Crack With Activator, Carnival Cruise Line Tycoon 2005: Island Hopping Crack & Serial Key, Carnival Cruise Line Tycoon 2005: Island Hopping Crack With Serial Number
Platform PC
Our rating
47 / 100
User rating 6.8
Downloads 1266
Players 1 Player
Genres Strategy, Tycoon, Management, Business / Tycoon
Activision Value
Developer Artex Software