"Iron Sky: Invasion" puts the player in the pilot seat of defending Earth from a sudden Nazi invasion - from space. The player has at their disposal a variety of experimental, secretly manufactured space fighters, and are tasked with keeping these Moon Nazis off our beloved Planet Earth. "Iron Sky: Invasion" will bear the major underlying theme of politics: everything, even defending your planet from "luna-r-tic" villains, requires skillful political maneuvers. You will need to know who you are fighting for, whose boots you are stepping on, and choose your friends, or more importantly, enemies carefully.
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Tags: Iron Sky: Invasion Crack & License Key, Iron Sky: Invasion Crack + Keygen Updated, Iron Sky: Invasion Crack + Keygen
Platform |
PC |
Our rating |
50 / 100
User rating |
Downloads |
1178 |
Genres |
Action, General |
Company |
TopWare Interactive
Developer |
Reality Pump
Released |
Dec 13, 2012 |