Theatre of War 3: Korea Crack + License Key Updated

Theatre of War 3: Korea Crack Plus Serial Number Theatre of War 3 Korea begins where World War II ended. Replay the events of the first hot war of the Cold War era – the Korean War, also known as the Forgotten War! The players are involved in two campaigns, both set in 1950: the North Korean campaign spans June 25 - August 20 and the American campaign from September 15 - October 8.

Download Theatre of War 3: Korea Crack & Serial

Tags: Theatre of War 3: Korea Crack + License Key Updated, Theatre of War 3: Korea Crack Plus Serial Number, Theatre of War 3: Korea Crack + Serial Key Updated
Platform PC
Our rating
50 / 100
User rating 5.5
Downloads 1326
Genres Strategy, Real-Time, General, Historic
Developer 1C, 1C Company