The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Crack With License Key Latest

The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Crack + Serial Number Download For the first time, play as Evil characters in a brand new, 'Evil' campaign. Battle through scenarios after Frodo failed to destroy the One Ring; it’s good to be bad. Acclaimed Battlefront gameplay in a fantasy setting allows players to choose the way they fight, as Warrior, Archer, Mage or Scout in melee and ranged combat. Online multiplayer - pick your allegiance then battle in 16-player online clashes, or in 4-player co-op campaigns. Local multiplayer - split-screen with up to 4 players competitively or 2 player co-op. A massive cast of characters & weapons adds great depth to the gameplay: Heroes, Wargs, Ents, Oliphaunts, Cave-trolls, the Balrog, Nazgul, ballistae, and more. [Electronic Arts]

Download The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Crack & Serial

Tags: The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Crack With License Key Latest, The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Crack + Serial Number Download, The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Crack With Activation Code
Platform PC
Our rating
58 / 100
User rating 6.6
Downloads 1895
Genres Action Adventure, Fantasy, General
Electronic Arts
Developer Pandemic Studios