The Cameron Files: Pharaoh's Curse Crack With License Key 2024

The Cameron Files: Pharaoh's Curse Crack With Serial Key 2024 An Ancient Evil Awakes... and the Pharaoh no longer slumbers. Investigate the disappearance of the Pharaoh. An ancient ritual revisited awakens a Pharaoh long dead and entombed. You must piece together the clues to discover the real reason why the mummy is missing. [Dreamcatcher]

Download The Cameron Files: Pharaoh's Curse Crack & Serial

Tags: The Cameron Files: Pharaoh's Curse Crack With License Key 2024, The Cameron Files: Pharaoh's Curse Crack With Serial Key 2024, The Cameron Files: Pharaoh's Curse Activator Full Version
Platform PC
Our rating
58 / 100
User rating 8.7
Downloads 1414
Players 1 Player
Genres Adventure, 3D, Modern, Third-Person
DreamCatcher Interactive
Developer Galilea Multimedia