Salvo! Crack + Activation Code Updated

Salvo! Crack + Activation Code Download 2024 Travel back in time to an era when battles for the supremacy of the sea lanes was decided by brave men commanding massive fortresses of floating wood and cloth. No radar lock- ons, just the Mark I eyeball, and no guided missiles, just heavy orbs of iron. Battle would be joined so close together that you could practically see what your enemy had for lunch by spotting the stains on his uniform. This was an era of steel nerves and sound tactics, of sea knowledge and possessing a little bit of Poseidon's own luck. Spruegames' Salvo! recreates this era. [Shrapnel Games]

Download Salvo! Crack & Serial

Tags: Salvo! Crack + Activation Code Updated, Salvo! Crack + Activation Code Download 2024, Salvo! Crack + License Key Download
Platform PC
Our rating
59 / 100
User rating 8.7
Downloads 1285
Genres Action Adventure, Historic
Shrapnel Games
Developer Spruegames