Highland Warriors Crack Plus License Key

Highland Warriors Crack + Activation Code Updated In the year of our lord 843, the first king of Scotland, Kenneth McAlpin, united the lands of the Picts and Scots to form the Kingdom of Alba. 400 years later Edward I, also known as the "Hammer of the Scots" engulfed the land in a great feud. It was not long before Edward I controlled most of Scotland. The Scots, led by William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, are left to fight what seems to be a futile war for freedom. This is the time when legends are born... [Data Becker]

Download Highland Warriors Crack & Serial

Tags: Highland Warriors Crack Plus License Key, Highland Warriors Crack + Activation Code Updated, Highland Warriors Crack + Activation Code Download 2024
Platform PC
Our rating
59 / 100
User rating 6
Downloads 1321
Players 1-8
Genres Strategy, Real-Time, Historic, General, Command
Data Becker
Developer Soft Enterprises