Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis Crack & Activator

Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis Crack With Activator Players assume the role of a U.S. NATO private on a training mission in a fictional 1985 Cold War storyline, where a new Soviet regime seizes control of an island community, and underground resistance groups have mobilized in opposition. The new Soviet government, unable to fight the resistance, calls upon NATO to act as a peacekeeping force and help restore order to the region. NATO responds with Operation Flashpoint. [Codemasters]

Download Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis Crack & Serial

Tags: Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis Crack & Activator, Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis Crack With Activator, Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis Crack & Serial Key
Platform PC
Our rating
86 / 100
User rating 8.8
Downloads 2298
Players 1-16
Genres Action, Shooter, First-Person, Tactical, Modern
Developer Bohemia Interactive