Giants: Citizen Kabuto Crack With License Key

Giants: Citizen Kabuto Crack + Serial Number (Updated) A frenzied action game in which players battle each other with one of three distinct races: The Meccs, the Sea Reapers, or the giant named Kabuto. These three species are highly incompatible with one another, and are all battling for supremacy over the islands on which they inhabit. [Interplay]

Download Giants: Citizen Kabuto Crack & Serial

Tags: Giants: Citizen Kabuto Crack With License Key, Giants: Citizen Kabuto Crack + Serial Number (Updated), Giants: Citizen Kabuto Crack & Serial Number
Platform PC
Our rating
86 / 100
User rating 9
Downloads 1885
Players 1-10
Genres Action, Shooter, Third-Person, Sci-Fi, Arcade
Developer Planet Moon Studios