Alter Ego (2010) Crack + Serial Number Updated

Alter Ego (2010) Crack + License Key Updated In the town of Plymouth the body of recently buried Sir William disappears under strange circumstances. This peculiar news would not stir such tremendous public interest if it was not Sir William himself. He was investigated several times during his life and although the police never managed to press charges against him, scary legends about his bloody crimes live on among the town people. There were only a few left who were willing to serve him and were brave enough to stand the look at his lifeless face. And most of them run away in horror after his death and series of murders that followed it. Police are helpless and not able to move forward with the case. The town is thrown into a state of panic and fear.

Download Alter Ego (2010) Crack & Serial

Tags: Alter Ego (2010) Crack + Serial Number Updated, Alter Ego (2010) Crack + License Key Updated, Alter Ego (2010) Crack Plus Serial Number
Platform PC
Our rating
60 / 100
User rating 5.8
Downloads 1548
Genres Action Adventure, Horror, Survival
bitComposer Games , bitComposer
Developer Viva Media, Viva Media, LLC