O.R.B. Crack & Serial Number

O.R.B. Crack & Activator A visually stunning 3D real time strategy game that pits the forces of two planets against each other in an epic struggle for control of the vast asteroid belt that circles their planets. Within the concentric rings of the belt are the precious resources that both planets desperately need to thrive. Millennia Ago, an empire spanning the galaxy collapsed after a long and brutal war. In the Aldus system, two orphaned races slowly evolved on two separate planets. Both races believed that they were unique and alone in the universe. They were soon to find out that they were neither unique nor alone. [Strategy First]

Download O.R.B. Crack & Serial

Tags: O.R.B. Crack & Serial Number, O.R.B. Crack & Activator, O.R.B. Crack With Activator
Platform PC
Our rating
69 / 100
User rating 8.7
Downloads 1147
Players 1-4
Genres Strategy, Real-Time, Sci-Fi, General
Strategy First
Developer Strategy First