The Falklands War: 1982 Crack + Serial Number Download

The Falklands War: 1982 Crack With Activation Code Three hundred miles off the Argentina coast in the south Atlantic lay the Falkland Islands, consisting of two main isles (East and West Falkland) and about two hundred smaller islands. The only town is also the capital of the region, Port Stanley, and it is from there that the British territories of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands are administered. With a total population of only a couple thousand stalwart individuals (and many more sheep and livestock) the Falklands seems an odd place to fight a war over, but that's exactly what happened in 1982. [Shrapnel Games]

Download The Falklands War: 1982 Crack & Serial

Tags: The Falklands War: 1982 Crack + Serial Number Download, The Falklands War: 1982 Crack With Activation Code, The Falklands War: 1982 Crack Plus Keygen
Platform PC
Our rating
69 / 100
User rating 8.7
Downloads 1185
Genres Strategy, Wargame, Real-Time
Shrapnel Games
Developer ProSim