Uru: The Path of the Shell Crack Plus Activation Code

Uru: The Path of the Shell Crack + Keygen Download 2024 Uru: The Path of the Shell is the third piece of Myst's Uru adventure. This adventure's complete boxed set, Uru: Complete Chronicles, includes the content in Uru: Ages Beyond Myst, Myst Uru: To D?ni (the free downloadable expansion released in February) and Uru: The Path of the Shell. The Path of the Shell challenges and rewards players with many new puzzles, new clothing options (including reward clothing), new player journals, technical features (including swimming), and five all-new Relto customization options. [Ubisoft]

Download Uru: The Path of the Shell Crack & Serial

Tags: Uru: The Path of the Shell Crack Plus Activation Code, Uru: The Path of the Shell Crack + Keygen Download 2024, Uru: The Path of the Shell Crack + Serial Key (Updated)
Platform PC
Our rating
73 / 100
User rating 7
Downloads 1403
Players 1 Player
Genres Adventure, 3D, First-Person, Fantasy
Developer Cyan Worlds