The Sims 3: University Life Crack & Serial Key

The Sims 3: University Life Crack With Serial Number The Sims 3 University Life opens a new chapter for young adult to elder Sims and anyone in between. Once a Sim is enrolled in university, they will pick from one of six majors and work towards earning a degree. From class activities to major-specific objects, The Sims 3 University Life will poise Sims for multiple benefits in their careers, including accelerated pay, higher career entry, new opportunities and more.

Download The Sims 3: University Life Crack & Serial

Tags: The Sims 3: University Life Crack & Serial Key, The Sims 3: University Life Crack With Serial Number, The Sims 3: University Life Crack + Serial Key
Platform PC
Our rating
73 / 100
User rating 7
Downloads 1802
Genres Simulation, Miscellaneous, Virtual Life, Virtual
Electronic Arts
Developer The Sims Studio