Sacred Crack With License Key

Sacred Crack + Serial Number (Updated) Sacred's Dynamic World of Exploration. Unlike any other fantasy action RPG, Sacred offers players an enormous world comprised of 16 regions with virtually unlimited opportunities for exploration. This world contains highly detailed landscapes, complete with villages and towns and even a day/night cycle with varying weather systems. Regions vary from forests and mountains to deserts, catacombs and ice-covered landmasses. More than three quarters of the world are open to the players from the very start - no unlocks needed. [Encore Software]

Download Sacred Crack & Serial

Tags: Sacred Crack With License Key, Sacred Crack + Serial Number (Updated), Sacred Crack & Serial Number
Platform PC
Our rating
75 / 100
User rating 7.9
Downloads 2701
Players 1-16
Genres Role-Playing, Action RPG
Encore Software, Inc. , Encore Software
Developer Ascaron Entertainment GmbH, Ascaron Entertainment