And Yet It Moves Crack + Keygen Updated

And Yet It Moves Crack + Keygen And Yet It Moves is a puzzle-platformer, set in a unique world, made of ripped paper. Within the paper collage, you can jump, run and last but certainly not least: rotate the world. Learn how to apply the physical consequences of rotation to master the many tricky situations you may encounter. You can play a race against the clock on different levels, too, competing against previous clocked times. Your run will be recorded, as a В»GhostВ« which can be submitted, along with your time, to the global high scores online. You can download other users' Ghosts to compete with friends and strangers around the world and see who found the fastest route. Following the acclaim of the previously awarded prototype for And Yet It Moves, we present the full version, containing three exciting and beautiful environments and lots of new challenges. [Broken Rules]

Download And Yet It Moves Crack & Serial

Tags: And Yet It Moves Crack + Keygen Updated, And Yet It Moves Crack + Keygen, And Yet It Moves Crack With Activator Latest 2024
Platform PC
Our rating
76 / 100
User rating 6.2
Downloads 1849
Players 1 Player
Genres Action, Platformer, 2D
Broken Rules
Developer Broken Rules