Battlefield 1: They Shall Not Pass Crack + Serial Number Download

Battlefield 1: They Shall Not Pass Crack With Activation Code NEW MAP: VERDUN HEIGHTS - The opening barrage of the Battle of Verdun created massive forest fires in which players will fight for domination. This is an uphill battle towards the massive fortresses of Verdun. A constant grinding struggle where the artillery never stops. Where the forge and “the Devil’s Anvil” continues to consume even the bravest combatants. NEW MAP: FORT DE VAUX - The first big engagement inside a fort during World War 1 takes place in the dark underworld of Fort de Vaux. Down in the maze of dark galleries and wet stone corridors, French and Germans fight ferociously with grenades, guns, bayonets, and flamethrowers. Watch your corners. NEW MAP: SOISSONS - Take part in one of the biggest tank assaults of World War 1. The French 10th Army moves to take back Soissons using their powerful Saint Chamond tanks. Planes, tanks, and infantry clash in the beautiful French countryside in the early hours of a hot summer day. Only the thunderstorm is louder than the war. NEW MAP: RUPTURE - In dire need to capture key bridges across the Aisne river, the French find themselves back into battlefields where poppies grow over a rusty wreck from previous tank battles. It might seem calm but this maze of steel beasts provides an excellent place for those who plan an ambush. As the sun sets over Fontenoy, the battle wakes up. [Electronic Arts]

Download Battlefield 1: They Shall Not Pass Crack & Serial

Tags: Battlefield 1: They Shall Not Pass Crack + Serial Number Download, Battlefield 1: They Shall Not Pass Crack With Activation Code, Battlefield 1: They Shall Not Pass Crack Plus Keygen
Platform PC
Our rating
77 / 100
User rating 5.1
Downloads 1712
Genres Action, Shooter, First-Person, Tactical
Electronic Arts
Developer EA DICE