Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 4 - Escape Plan Bravo Crack & Activator

Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 4 - Escape Plan Bravo Crack With Activator Captured by Vallory and her thugs, Rhys and Fiona are forced to keep searching for the Vault beacon - at gunpoint. The beacon is on the Hyperion moon base - Helios - while our heroes are on Pandora... so there's the annoying cold void of death known as 'space' to overcome. Even with the help of a familiar face, and with a worryingly helpful Handsome Jack hitching a ride in Rhys’ head, getting on board the ominous ‘H’ is going to take every drop of guile, and quite possibly all the spunk you’ve got. Sacrifices will be made – can you make the tough choices needed to succeed?

Download Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 4 - Escape Plan Bravo Crack & Serial

Tags: Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 4 - Escape Plan Bravo Crack & Activator, Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 4 - Escape Plan Bravo Crack With Activator, Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 4 - Escape Plan Bravo Crack & Serial Key
Platform PC
Our rating
80 / 100
User rating 8.4
Downloads 2092
Genres Adventure, General
Telltale Games
Developer Telltale Games