Hero X Crack + Serial Key (Updated)

Hero X Crack With Serial Key Latest 2024 In this "RPG" style action adventure, you are a former super hero sidekick and have been assigned to protect "Smalltown" by the A.S.H.A. (American Super Heroes Association). As you fight crime and put evildoers in their place, you climb the super hero ladder, your superpowers increase and you'll be promoted within the A.S.H.A.! Build your hero, male or female. Choose your costume from an unlimited combination of colors and decide on which of the over 50 superpowers you need and you're ready to hit the streets! Built on the renewed public interest in comic book stories, as exemplified in the X-Men and the Spiderman movie. Create a fun and exciting gaming experience through a progression of missions. The design gives gamers an "Open Ended" story and setting, which offers a perfect opportunity for sequels and expansions. [Infogrames]

Download Hero X Crack & Serial

Tags: Hero X Crack + Serial Key (Updated), Hero X Crack With Serial Key Latest 2024, Hero X Crack & Keygen
Platform PC
Our rating
47 / 100
User rating 4.6
Downloads 1387
Players 1 Player
Genres Action Adventure, Fantasy, General
Atari , Infogrames
Developer Worldwide MicroTronics